
From Cloud Kitchens to Digital Tools 2.0 – Upskilling Refugees

Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Upskilling Afghan refugees in India helps pave the way towards a sustainable future. Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) supports many innovative programmes in collaboration with local partners, to prepare them for their journey. Migrants coming from Afghanistan consider India a transit country and […]

National Preparedness Month

USA, August 2013 – FOCUS USA was invited to attend the National Preparedness Month Proclamation signing ceremony with Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, held at the State Capitol in Atlanta. In the presence of Georgia Volunteer Organisations Active in Disaster (VOAD), government officials, and leaders from multiple faith-based organizations, the Governor officially declared September as the National […]

Community-based disaster risk reduction programs

India, 2018 – Throughout 2018, villages in the coastal region in southern Gujarat have been a part of Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) India’s Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Programs (CBDRR).1 Over the course of the year, AKAH India has conducted Disaster Awareness Programs (DAP), formed Village Disaster Committee in each village, trained Community Emergency Response Team in each […]

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