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Afghan Refugees Upskill in India

Empowering the most vulnerable -

to not only survive, but thrive.

Through generous donations from around the globe, we help The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, (AKAH) and others in the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), implement innovative, sustainable solutions for communities vulnerable to natural and man-made disasters, conflict and civil unrest.

Risk reduction

Disaster risk reduction, community planning, preparedness and mitigation.

Relief & Aid

Community based, trained and equipped first responders.


Community based Boots on the ground in the aftermath of
a disaster.


Durable solutions for displaced people.

Our Affiliates


Founded in 1995, FOCUS is committed to building disaster-resilient communities, minimizing the impact of man-made crises and environmental disasters

FOCUS Canada

FOCUS Canada offers emergency
relief, preparedness and response to communities in areas vulnerable to natural hazards, including within Canada.

FOCUS Europe

For two decades, FOCUS has provided emergency relief following avalanches, land­slides, mudflows, earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, floods and wild fires.

Contact Us


The spirit of hope continues with your
generous donation. Choose where to give.

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