
Community-based disaster risk reduction programs

India, 2018 – Throughout 2018, villages in the coastal region in southern Gujarat have been a part of Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) India’s Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Programs (CBDRR).1 Over the course of the year, AKAH India has conducted Disaster Awareness Programs (DAP), formed Village Disaster Committee in each village, trained Community Emergency Response Team in each […]

AKAH invests in capacity development for SART

Pakistan, October 2018 – The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) in Pakistan collaborated with the United Kingdom International Search and Rescue (UKISAR) and the Punjab Emergency Service to organize a certification course for its Search and Rescue Teams (SART) in Lahore.1 26 SART members, which included both men and women, attended the seven day long training […]

Focus USA supports covid-19 prepardness & prevention activities in Tajikistan

The Challenge As the global coronavirus crisis continues to evolve, FOCUS USA is committed to providing ongoing support for the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat team in Tajikistan and beyond. The Innovation The procured stock of essential supplies included 1,500 disposable gowns, 2,500 pairs of disposable shoe covers, 2,000 disposable caps, 2,500 surgical masks, 100 […]

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